This form is completed pursuant to the provisions of the Data Protection Act, 2019. It seeks your affirmative consent to provide personal and/or sensitive personal information for purposes of effectuation of a contract and/or legal relationship or in compliance with a statutory requirement.
This section of the form informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of the personal information/sensitive personal information we receive from you.
Your privacy is important to Minet. Minet therefore commits to using reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information and/or sensitive personal information in our possession or received on their behalf is kept confidential, stored in a secure manner, and processed in terms of Kenyan law and for authorized purposes.
Your consent gives validity and authority to Minet for the collection and processing of your personal and/or sensitive personal information and remains valid for the entire duration of your legal relationship with Minet Kenya and/or its affiliates.
Herein, Minet relates to Minet Kenya Insurance Brokers Limited and/or its affiliates.
Personal information means personal identifiable information that may include, but is not limited to, your name, your identification, postal address, residential address, tax identification number, telephone/mobile number, age, sex, gender, next of kin/family information particulars etc.
Sensitive personal information means data revealing the natural person's race, health status, ethnic social origin, conscience, belief, genetic data, biometric data, property details, marital status, family details including names of the person's children, parents, spouse or spouses, sex or the sexual orientation of the data subject.
We collect your personal information/sensitive personal information with your knowledge and consent.
Minet will only collect personal information/sensitive personal information that is necessary for the performance of our obligations under contract and under the laws of Kenya.
We use your personal and/or sensitive information only for purposes of effecting the legal relationship between yourself and Minet.
Your personal and/or sensitive personal data may be shared with third party institutions and underwriters (as either Data Processors or Sub-processors) who may either collect, store, and process your personal data on behalf of Minet and who are contractually obligated to keep your personal data confidential subject to appropriate safeguards to prevent it from unauthorized disclosure.
Where your personal and/or sensitive personal data is required to be sent outside of Kenya through cross-border data transfer, we will seek out your additional consent.
The security of your personal and/or sensitive personal information is important to us and we strive to use legally and commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information.
Your personal and/or sensitive personal data will be stored in accordance with the record retention requirements applicable under Minet’s policy and any other applicable Kenyan laws.
You have a right to be informed of the use to which your personal data is being put as well as the right to access your personal data, object to processing, all or its part thereof and correct or delete any false or misleading data.
Minet will process your personal information as permitted by the applicable Data Protection Law and its internal policies: